Occupancy at a flexible workspace refers to the number of offices/units that are occupied by customers. For instance, if your center has 10 offices and 5 of them are occupied then your occupancy is 50%.
Workstation or fixed desk occupancy is the number of permanently occupied desks as a percentage of the total number of assignable desks (workstations).
Hot desking or flexible desk occupancy is the number of hot-desking members as a percentage of the total number of desks, where you take into account the hot-desking membership plans. (Some plans may have 10 days /month, others might be 24/7 hot desking).
Profitable occupancy rates at a flexible workspace are typically quoted at 80-85%% but the business model, location, and the split between dedicated office space, co-working spaces, meeting rooms, and common areas, determine the profitable occupancy rate for each particular business.