Bicycle Racks & Storage

Taking the car is expensive, public transit can be cramped, and you’re feeling unhealthy. No worries, all of those issues are solved by the bicycle commute. And we will keep your bike safe in our bike room when you are working in West Quay Offices!

We got you covered:

Secure your bike...

If you start commuting to work by bike, it will not be long before it seems as natural as going by car. It’s that simple. This assumes that you live within a manageable distance from West Quay Offices.

The biggest challenge will be securing your bike when you arrive so you won’t be target off bicycle thefts. And here in West Quay Offices, we have a secure room with bicycle racks where only owners can enter.

If you are one of those riders, please visit reception to get a your key for bike storage.

Do you need a hot shower after your ride?

We got you covered as well!

Hot showers is an office amenity growing in popularity as more workers bike to work and focus on their physical health.

Advantages of Bicycle Commuting:

Many articles about bicycle commuting often start off by thumping all the advantages of cycling to work. Although most are self-evident, they are worth reviewing if only to provide a handy motivational tool.

Get healthy, be fit

Think about it. Riding 10 to 15 kilometres twice a day means you’re going to get seriously healthy fast. This will probably put you at the top of your age group for being fit and healthy, and this means you’ll have the capacity to pursue an active lifestyle without fear or trepidation. Moreover, in combination with recreational rides on weekends, cycling to work should allow many people to start losing weight without any great effort.

Save your hard-earned money

If you currently commute by car, you have the opportunity to save a significant amount of money. Savings in gas money alone could be as much as $50 a week. In addition, you should factor in parking fees and a portion of the costs related to the mechanical systems, brakes, tires, and other components of your car. Ownership costs will also go down because your vehicle will last longer, and people who don’t use their car to commute to work every day can sometimes get lower insurance rates. When you add it all up, this starts to represent a tidy sum.

Make better use of your time

All things being equal, it is obvious that you can cover 10 kilometres by car faster than by bike. However, this difference decreases when traffic slows down during rush hour, and it can completely disappear when a car is stuck in a stop-and-go traffic jam. However, the main reason cycling is a time saver is because it allows you to do two things at once:

  1. Move yourself back and forth from work, and
  2. Get some health-sustaining exercise. This is far more efficient than commuting to work by car and then driving to the gym for a workout.

Be environmentally conscious

Motorized vehicles consume vast amounts of our energy resources and are a major source of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. For all practical purposes, it’s the exact opposite with bicycles. Maybe you’re one of those people who, while concerned about the environment, are just a tad skeptical about all those doomsday scenarios. Okay, but next time someone is haranguing you about all that has to be done to save the environment, just tell them that you commute to work by cycling 15 miles every day. That should buy you some peace and quiet.

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