10% OFF for your first year
We are proud to launch a flash deal for our private offices. This is your chance to rent a private office annually and pay 10% less in your first year. Discounts apply to all private offices in basic and VIP packages for new members. Please use coupon code FLASHDEAL10%OFF at checkout to claim your discount or apply in person.
Hurry up! We will take this sale down after renting limited offices. Check our private offices and choose the one that fits your business or book a tour to see them in person.

New discounted basic package for private offices
We have launched a new package with discounted pricing for our private offices. While our older prices with all-inclusive amenities and benefits are now named VIP, the new basic package offers semi-inclusive amenities and benefits with the option to purchase additional benefits whenever you need.
When should you choose the basic package?
- You are on a budget or just starting up and want to purchase extra benefits over time; even you will pay higher when you purchase one by one later.
- If you are comparing our prices with other coworking spaces or offices, this is the comparable package, still with many extra benefits.
- If you do not need meeting room credits and will have a few or no clients visiting.
- If you work alone but need a larger office for comfort. If this is the only case, still talk to us, and we can tailor a VIP package for you.
- You don’t use the printer often and want to pay per print when you need it.
- You won’t be coming to the office often and do not need all the extra benefits.
When should you choose the VIP package?
- If you want to spoil yourself and your employees with all extra benefits and impress your customers. And keep in mind that a happy team is always more productive and more $ for you in the end.
- If you need up to 15 hours of meeting room credits monthly and you will have important clients visiting.
- You have a team and you want to increase productivity with the extra benefits.
- You want a turnkey solution from one provider that deals with all your business needs.
- You care about your company image and want to look professional with our extra tools and telephony solutions.
- You want to pay a bit higher but get 5x the value back for your money. The VIP package targets full satisfaction!
You can see a comparison table of packages and what’s included on private office pages. Check our private offices and choose the one that fits your business or book a tour to see them in person.
Our VIP package private offices offer local phone number and virtual assistants now
Now our private office VIP packages include:
- a local phone number with unlimited calling to Canada and the US,
- a virtual receptionist with your company greetings for callers.
These services are included at no extra cost in all private office VIP packages. Existing members can also take advantage of this offer for free. You have the option to select a new number from our inventory or transfer your existing number.