Google Calendar Integration
You can enable Google Calendar Integration on the Members Portal and can then book resources in West Quay Offices directly from their Google Calendar.
You can enable Google Calendar Integration on the Members Portal and can then book resources in West Quay Offices directly from their Google Calendar.
Remote work is here to stay. While we love not being cooped up in a corporate office, we can’t deny the perks of having a dedicated workspace.
Coworking involves individuals from multiple companies sharing the same space, which has all the regular amenities of an office: supplies, equipment, and Wi-Fi.
When it comes to productivity, all of us have different views on the subject. However, there is one thing for sure. A workspace, that is dedicated to working makes you more productive.
Similar to the open office spaces, private office spaces provide startups and SMEs with a flexible workspace that can be rented daily, weekly or monthly.
Suite 201
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 0E9