While in-person networking is usually best, there are sure to be times when you may not be able to get out of the house for the day. Or maybe there are slow days in the coworking space without many people to network and connect with in person. Regardless of the circumstances, virtual networking remains a viable option to maintain open lines of communication and potentially broaden your reach to other countries.
When connecting virtually, keep in mind that of course you won’t have as many opportunities to randomly connect, so it’s helpful to make a plan and set a schedule for when you connect in your day. If you don’t save time, it can become easy to forget it. It is also essential to take first impressions more into account when making virtual contacts. Since the person you’re talking to may have no idea who you are and what you do, making a positive impression may not feel as natural as when networking in a coworking space.

When you approach someone new, try to put their needs first. While networking in a coworking space is usually more of a fair and collaborative mindset, virtual network connections are less likely to work if you first call to ask for something for yourself, even if you intend to give something to someone else. Try to make an effort to know their needs before asking for their help with yours. This mindset can foster stronger relationships and increase the likelihood of mutual support, leading to fruitful collaborations in the future.
Additionally, consider engaging in conversations that focus on shared interests or goals. This will not only help establish a rapport but will also encourage reciprocal sharing of resources and insights. Remember, networking is about building connections that can lead to opportunities, advice, and support throughout your professional journey.
By participating in community events, workshops, or casual gatherings at your coworking space, you enhance your chances of meeting individuals who can offer valuable perspective or assistance in your endeavours. Maintain an open mindset and take the initiative to establish connections, as these relationships can greatly influence your success as a freelancer, startup founder, or entrepreneur.