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Angel Round

A round of investment into a startup company from angel investors not previously affiliated with the founder. Typically the first money invested in a company


Application Program Interfaces (APIs) make it possible for programs to interact with each other. An API can take many forms but often includes specifications for

Auto release

Workplace industry term: A function within workspace booking software, that will automatically release a booking back into the system if the user hasn’t checked in

Baby Boomer

Baby boomer term (first used in 1970 in a Washington Post article) refers to people born between 1946 and 1964 during the post–World War II

Beacon Technology

Beacons transmit small amounts of data via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) up to 50 meters, and as a result, they are often used for indoor

Blind-managed Booking

Where resources are automatically allocated based on user-requested features or attributes, a user has no input into the resource (room or desk) but makes a


Building Management System otherwise known as a building automation system (BAS), is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building’s

Booking Grid

A booking grid allows users to quickly and efficiently view appointments or meetings in a daily, weekly, and monthly display.