After creating an account, you will get an email with information, and you can log in to the system and get to the dashboard, which looks like the following screenshot. It shows an overview of your workspace. For example, you will see how many goals, projects, plans, and notes you have created. Recent projects, events, and goals are also shown in the table. The most fun part is that you get a board where your daily to-dos can be managed. It also has a card that shows the time and date of the day to plan accordingly.
Starting Focus
Sections will be empty when you first log in, as you have not written any information yet.
Focus’s sidebar helps you map out your workspace.
With this app, you can take notes, journal, manage personal projects, add to-dos,
add-to-learns, create a knowledge base, create a vision board, etc. This software
will help you stay focused on your goals and help you take action based on