Notebook and Documents

< 1 min read

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A habit of note-taking is a great skill. In this software, you can take good notes and write about anything that comes to mind. This note-taking system will help your team learn together.

How to take notes?

The steps are below:

  1. To take a note, go to NoteBook on the side navigation and click on take new note.
  2. You can add a cover photo of the note.
  3. The rich text editor gives you many options to write a note perfectly, such as you can add tables, images, use different colors, highlight lines, underline lines. Etc.
  4. You can print your note as well.
  5. After creating the note when you click on read more you can view the note like the following picture.


You can upload documents here to keep your documents organized and download them whenever you need them.

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